
Our Solutions

Upon request, we will make all necessary checks and escort your staff to safety.

At no cost, you can rely on a timely, multi-faceted response, for both emergency and non-emergency situations.

Our British first model is a real, cost effective solution, without compromise to security and safety.

Case Studies / Testimonials

West Valley

Construction – Cheshire Builder

As our reputation as builders has grown throughout Cheshire, so has our order book and the size of projects we now complete… We grew to a point where we decided to use West Valley on all our projects because we soon realised that any loss, theft or vandalism on any of our jobs not only tarnishes our name but also takes pounds off the bottom line…

West Valley for us have been a proven deterrent in the areas in which we operate and when they have been called to site out of hours, their response has been quick and visible and sent a clear message to any would-be intruders.


Construction - A British Gas company - Stockport

Econergy began to utilise Stopfordian’s services to provide a viable alternative to on-site security personnel. This, on a number of large scale construction projects for Stockport Homes.

Cost and safety are always a balancing act; now finally there is a real cost effective solution, without compromising safety.

Our group of companies operate nationwide, so I can say from experience, that Stopfordian’s innovative solution doesn’t exist anywhere else in the UK. They truly are a British first.

We are so glad we found them and will be continuing to benefit from their services"